Words have a longer life than deeds

Information for students

Student Profile:

The two-year Master's degree program in Philology - image and mediational communication has as its primary objective the development of knowledge concerning the complex process of communication in a number of social environments. During their studies, students are encouraged to improve their ability to develop and maintain lifelong learning with regard to their skills to communicate effectively, successfully and comfortably in varying communicative contexts. The program is aimed at prospective students with a Licentiate Degree (tytuł licencjata) in English Philology (filologia angielska) as well as all those candidates who are formally entitled to the teaching of English as a foreign language and who will be continuing their studies towards the completion of the Master's Degree in Philology, specialization: image and mediational communication (see 'Master's degree requirements' below). The curriculum offers ample opportunities to develop both the students' awareness of language as an ecological phenomenon (the ecolinguistic bias) and appropriate communicative knowledge and skills which can be applied in diverse communicative and cultural settings both in Poland and abroad (the communicological bias).


Our graduates obtain knowledge of considerable breadth and depth in the combined areas of ecolinguistics and communicology, especially with regard to models and theories of communication, supplemented by practical skills within a general model of the hybrid transcommunicator (see General information above). The knowledge and skills comprise such diverse areas and activities as:

- transcultural communication

- interpersonal communication

- verbal communication (both spoken and written)

- non-verbal communication

- professional communication

- maintenance and preservation of natural language robustness and diversity

- conflict management and resolution

- persuasive use of language and non-language resources

- public speaking

- group discussion

- deceptive communication and propaganda

- elements of political communication

- the European rhetorical tradition.


Admission Requirements:

Candidates will be admitted to the Master's program, both in the daily and extramural editions (in the latter case, only if an appropriate number of candidates is formed) on the basis of the following:

  • possession of the Licentiate Degree (tytuł licencjata) in English Philology or any other philology which formally entitles its graduates to teach English as a foreign language.
  • Since the extra mural program is not a tuition free study program, students are required (by the resolution of the AMU Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature, affirmed by the University Senate) to pay the annual tuition of 3,700 PLN.


Master's Degree Requirements:

The degree of Master of Philology (Magister Filologii), specialty: image and mediational communication (specjalizacja: komunikacja wizerunkowo-mediacyjna) is only awarded after:

  • a successful completion of the entire course curriculum (see Course organization),
  • completion of a written Master's thesis, and
  • passing the Master's oral examination.


SOME Employment opportunities:

The Master's degree in philology - image and mediational communication will, among other possibilities, prepare our students for:

  • post-graduate studies in the interdisciplinary areas of the ecology of language and communication
  • journalism, editing and the media
  • a variety of advisory jobs in various advisory organizations
  • a variety of jobs in advertising agencies
  • a variety of advisory jobs in language engineering and language planning
  • a variety of jobs connected with different sectors of cultural life
  • effective work with individuals of diverse linguistic-communicative and ethnic backgrounds
  • a variety of jobs connected with institutional image-making and mediational communication.


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