A different language is a different vision of life


The Department's Scholarly Electronic Journal

Working Papers of the Department of Ecocommunication
The Editor's foreword

The present Series is aimed at providing a forum for sharing and exchanging ideas about language and communication in the ecological perspective. This perspective allows the researchers to look at human languages and communication in the larger context of the (biophysical) environment and, subsequently, view them as resources whose use varies across individual human agents, populations, and cultures, owing to a degree of individual and social awareness of their manageability. The policy of the Journal is to encourage the publication of the following research materials: preliminary research papers, discussion papers, and occasional papers which are dedicated to language and communication in the above outlined perspective. Within the confines of the present Journal, a 'working paper' is intended to summarize original research in the narrow field of ecolinguistics and is expected to be published maximally within a period of one year so that its findings and content can be shared relatively quickly. The Journal is disseminated in the electronic way.

The electronic copies of the Journal are provided free of charge with no implied warranty. It is made available to the reader in order to share, that is, to copy, distribute and transmit the work, and to remix, that is, to adapt the particular articles. But the reader is obliged to attribute the work in the manner specified by the editor. You may not use the works contained in the Journal for commercial purposes.

Paper submission guidelines
  • The papers (referred to as 'manuscripts') must be submitted in hardcopy (double-spaced) and electronic format.
  • The manuscripts should be prepared with MS Word software and should be submitted in a way formatted for Windows systems.
  • Manuscripts should be original and previously unpublished which implies that they have not been submitted elsewhere.
  • The language of the manuscripts: Polish and English.
  • Authors will be responsible for the content and accuracy of their manuscripts.
  • The text of the manuscript should be divided into logical sub-sections with numbered headings.
  • Bibliograhy should be prepared according to the MLA style sheet.
  • The manuscripts (in hardcopy and electronic format) should be sent to the editor:
Stanisław Puppel, Editor
OIKEIOS LOGOS. Working Papers of the Department of Ecocommunication
Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature,
Department of Ecocommunication
61-485 Poznań
ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 roku nr 198
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